Health & Food Technology Department

Hospitality N3/4/5 Bakery NPA level 4 and level 5/6 Foundation Apprenticeship: Hospitality

About Health & Food Technology @ Stirling High School

Health and Food Technology at Stirling High School prepares pupils for a range of careers including those in the hospitality and catering sector. Pupils develop a range of subjet specific skills through our curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities including: baking, cooking, food preparation, sewing, understanding how food is produced, health, safety and hygiene practices. Pupils also develop transferable skills and qualities in time management skills, working to deadlines, managing a budget, communicating and collaborating with others as a team, taking direction and leading others.

Our pupils develop vocational experiences by catering and providing hospitality for school and community events doing. Doing so helps pupils to see the relevance of their skills development and how their confidence and ability gorws over time.

Extra-Curricular Experiences

Bread Making Workshops

We also offer NPA Bakery at level 4

Trips to Forth Valley College

We enjoy links with Forth Valley College that allow pupils to experience a real working environment and professional equipment

Halloween Designs

We use a range of ingredients and teach techniques to make learning fun and creative

Seasonal Bakery

We add relevance to the curriculum by giving pupils tasks linked to the time of year

Event Hospitality

Our classes created a buffet for our Annual Art Exhibition. Pupils served visitors at the event.

Our Charity Coffee Mornings

Our pupils and staff raised money for charity by creating, preparing and serving cakes and drinks for our visiting staff and parents.

Future Chef Final