The Music Department
Music Performing Music Technology
About the Music Department
At Stirling High we offer a wide range of musical experiences to pupils across a range of styles and genres. Within the curriculum we have pathways in Music and Music Technology and pupils learn to perform, compose and analyse the music they hear and see.
We offer extra-curricular clubs for every area of interest and are always open to new ideas and suggestions. Our regular programme includes; Orchestra, The Rhythm & Soul Band, The Stirling High School Choir, Woodwind Group, The Guitar Ensemble, The Pipe Band, Folk Group, The Ukulele Group, The String Ensemble, BGE Practice Club, Study Support, Rock and Pop band usage of rehearsal space.
Music Technology @ Stirling High School
Music Technology is a key part of our curriculum using our Music Technology Suite and recording studio facilities with Apple Computers and using Cubase & GarageBand Digital Audio Workstations. Our pupils develop Music Technology skills from S1- S6 by creating projects including: Sound Recording; Audiobook; Radio Advert; Sound Design for Film and Video; Composing Electronica, EDM & Synthesiser Soundscapes; Multitrack recording a Music Demo; & Radio Broadcast.
Music Tuition @ Stirling High School
We work closely with our valued team of visiting Music Instructors who provide specialist Music lessons on a range of instruments and voice and regularly contribute to our concerts and the life of our Music Department and school. We offer Voice, Woodwind, Upper and Lower Strings, Brass, Guitar, Piano, Percussion/Drum Kit, Bagpipes & Pipe Band Drumming.
Visit for more information about tuition and to apply for lessons using the online form.
Celebrating Pupil Achievement
The Annual Talent Show
We stage our fun Annual Talent Show on the last day of term in December. Pupils & staff have the opportunity to show their talent and skills to the whole school community.
The Annual Christmas Concert
We perform at the Church of the Holy Rude each December. We have held our concerts in this beautiful historic setting for many generations.
Jazz Workshops
The Tolbooth Youth Jazz Ensemble Tutors teach about improvising skills
RSNO Film Music & Minimalism Workshop
Musicians from the RSNO taught pupils about performing and improvising in a Minimalist style
Winter Fete
Our pupils gain performing experience at our Annual Winter Fete. This experience is informal and allows pupils to develop their confidence.
Performing in the community
We take every opportunity to makes links with our local community including performing at a range of functions and events.
Stirling Christmas Lights Switch on Celebration
Our pupils perform at the switch on celebrations in Stirling town centre.
Stirling & District Schools Pipe Band
We are delighted to be the home of the Stirling & District Schools Pipe Band led by our fantastic instructors Mr Gibb and Miss Taylor. Follow the band @StirlingschPB
The band rehearses in Stirling High School on Wednesday evenings and offer pupils the fun experience of a busy summer of competition both in the community and nationally. Follow the band @StirlingschPB
The following links The Piping Centre magazine archive which may be of interest to pupils involved in pipe bands.
A Musical Celebration at Christmas
Developing The Young Work Force

Virtual Band Activity
Well done to our new S3 pupils who have been busy recording videos during a period of home learning to create a virtual class band
Sit back, relax and enjoy watching the video we created:
Instrumental Music Service Update January 2021

IMS: Parent Guide to Google Meet

IMS: Parental Letter Aug 2020

IMS: Learner Guide to Google Meet